Need a Great Learning Space in Your Home ASAP?

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COVID-19 changed the game this year. So parents are searching for unique ways to create the best possible learning spaces for their children at home. From kindergarten through college students, many schools are planning to be online in the fall or to have a combination of virtual and in-person class time this school year.

Other parents are taking the plunge into the world of homeschooling and need a classroom environment at home for them to share with their children.

With school starting in the next few weeks, don’t worry! There is still time to carve out the perfect study space or homework nook in your current home.

How can you create the best study room or classroom for your child with the space you have?

Quick and easy homeschool space options

You don’t have to move into a bigger new home with more rooms, although that may be a great idea for your family in the future. It’s also completely fine to make the most of what you already have. 

You don’t have to have a dedicated space. Many homeschooling families make do in small spaces and use the same areas for multiple purposes throughout the day. You can simply use a dining room table during the day and put everything away when the school day is over. All you need for this option are some efficient storage methods like cubbies, shelves, or cabinets and some great organization skills.

If you would prefer having a dedicated space, think about a space you can sacrifice. A corner of a room. A closet. Or a spare room. Clear out the clutter and get ready to make something amazing!

Cat sitting on a toy bin in a white cubbie
Ayla Verschueren on Unsplash

If you want a dedicated space, here are some options.

Set aside a study nook

With built-in shelves in the top half of the closet and a cute desk below, a closet with access to an electric outlet can become a perfect mini-study space. Add some under shelf lighting and a lamp on the desk. Organize school supplies in color coordinated baskets or bins. And your child has a quiet place to work that stays out of the way of the hustle and bustle around your home.

If you have a space under the stairs, a small corner of a room, a wide hallway, or an alcove that can be spared, it’s incredible what some new shelves and a desk can do. If you don’t have that much space, you can invest in a fold out desk that comes from a cabinet in the wall. Check out IKEA for some options.

Install a loft in your child’s bedroom

Most kids love being on the top bunk and with a lofted bed, they get to have their dreams come true and you can clear out more space for a study nook. You can find loft beds in twin size, full size, or even queen or king size. Depending on how high your ceilings are and how old your child is, you can find loft beds that allow a person to stand up in the study area below the bed.

Some loft beds simply have a desk under the bed with lighting and a chair. Others are more elaborate with bookshelves, or stairs from the bed that also serve as drawers. Some loft beds don’t have living space underneath but are full of shelves and dresser drawers so more space is freed up in the rest of the room. You may have enough space under the loft to hang a hammock for reading time.

You can even purchase specialty loft beds that look like there is a little house under the bed. Some have lamps, flower boxes, windows, and closeable shutters and doors. For younger kids, there are loft beds with slides, as well, that could provide some recess activities on a rainy day. 

If you love the idea of a loft playhouse bed but don’t want to pay for an expensive version, there are cloth curtains that you can get with some loft beds that create a playhouse or castle feel that don’t have the high price tag that a wooden playhouse bed would carry.

Simple white desck with computer against a gray wall
Joseph Cortez on Unsplash

Use part of an existing room

Your child may have some extra space in their bedroom for a desk. If you need more space, a Murphy bed for your child may be an option that you can fold up into a cabinet on the wall during the day to give more space for studying. 

Or you might put a desk in your office space, the kitchen, or the family room. If you don’t mind your child having to clean up every day, you could even use the dining room table, kitchen table, or some of your living space for school time during the day.

If you have enough organization tools, this can actually be quite painless. You may just need a few more shelves, some cubbies, or a half bookcase to create storage space and to separate the space for studying.

Girl with long hair on computer with shelves of books in background
Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Repurpose an existing room

It’s ideal to have a specific space set aside for your child’s school work so you don’t have to move materials around. But if you are living in a very small space, you can store all of the school supplies in a basket or two and get them out in the morning then put everything away in the afternoon to make room for other family activities.

If possible, transform the playroom, a spare bedroom, a loft, or the FROG into a room dedicated solely to school time and school supplies. Then you’ll have enough room for desks and storage units. Having an entire room dedicated to schooling can be especially helpful if you have more than one child learning in your home.

Set up matching desks side by side for multiple siblings. Or opt to go for a large table for everyone to work at together. But if your child will be having online meetings, it would be ideal if they can have a private space away from everyone else where they can meet without disturbing others.

Consider having one room set up for school work with tables and supplies for everyone and then a mini station in each child’s room with a small desk, lamp, and outlet for the times they need to have a group meeting online.

sunlight streaming through a window in a dusty, unfinished attic
Mika Baumeister on Unsplash

Finish unused space

If you have unfinished attic or basement space, you may be able to finish it out and furnish a gorgeous new education space to use later in the school year.

Even if the space is a bit tight, it may be a perfect place for a child to enjoy learning and add some much-needed functional and educational space to your home.

Create a reading nook

A window seat with comfy cushions and bookshelves or cabinets on each side makes a perfect cozy spot for reading when your child doesn’t need to be at their desk. You can have custom built-ins made that hold a padded reading nook area without the window seat, too.

This is another good use of that extra under-the-stairs space, too. Paint the nook a contrasting color from the rest of the room, add a few posters or pictures. Install some cubbies or shelves. Then all you need is a big cushion, some pillows, and maybe some fairy lights to add the finishing touches.

If you don’t have a place for built-ins, you may find enough space to hang a hammock chair, a daybed with a bunch of fluffy pillows, or throw a bean bag chair for a fun reading spot children and teens will love. Or, for extra drama and fun, create a tent or fort area. You can hang sheer or opaque fabric from the ceiling and have plenty of pillows inside.

Need help with installation? Hire a handyman!

If you have great ideas for your child’s learning space but need a bit of help putting up shelves, assembling furniture, building cubbies, or installing new lighting, you don’t have to depend on friends or family to help you out. Call a handyman service! This is what we do.

A handyman can help with small repair and installation jobs around the house ranging from painting touch-ups, to small plumbing repairs, and small carpentry jobs. 

Ready for a study room or learning space in your home in the Columbia, SC area? 

At Punch List Pros, we can help you turn your child’s dream home learning space into reality. Whether you need help setting up new shelving units, building cubbies, hanging a hammock chair, or painting a wall with chalkboard paint, we can help.

And if you decide to sell your house,  we can help you with your punch list, too. 

Please contact us today to get a home study area ready!

Check out our full list of services and see how we can help you build a new online school or homeschool room.


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