Our 7 Best Kitchen Drawer Organizer Ideas

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For some reason, those shallow kitchen drawers right under the counter tend to be junk magnets. All the little odds and ends end up there.

Paperclips, rubber bands, the kids’ little toys, pens, notepads, screws, tape, business cards, little screwdrivers, packs of gum… things pile in there and multiply creating chaos.

Why bother organizing your kitchen drawer?

A messy drawer kind of gives you the heebie-jeebies every time you look in there and attempt to find something you need. Not to mention, it’s a time-waster when you can’t immediately find what you want but have to cull through a mountain of stuff.

When you realize clutter can negatively impact your mental and physical health and that organization can save you a lot of time and stress, it’s a huge motivation to do something about the clutter lying around in your drawers and everywhere else.

organized kitchen utensil drawer
Our 7 Best Kitchen Drawer Organizer Ideas 3

How to tame a messy drawer in 5 simple steps (and 30 minutes or less)

You may feel so overwhelmed with clutter everywhere, you decide to call a professional organizer for help. For some people, that may be the best option but for most people… 

We believe you can organize your junk yourself with a few tips for organizing your junk drawers and about 30 minutes per drawer.

If you’re ready to declutter your junk drawer, here are some tips.

1. First, pull everything out and get rid of anything that is trash. 

Like the 5-year-old sticky cough drops and half-eaten Tootsie Pop. Gross! Or the receipts you don’t need anymore. All those old packs of ketchup and soy sauce from 10 years ago? It’s time to say farewell. 

These things just aren’t adding value to your life anymore.

Note—this is the perfect time to scrub and clean the inside of the drawer if it has accumulated a layer of grime, dust, or dirt.

2. Group everything you want to keep into piles of similar items:

  • Office supplies
  • Receipts
  • Packs of gum
  • Toys
  • Tools
  • Screws/nails/hooks
  • Pens/pencils
  • Stamps
  • Crayons
  • Cat toys
  • Keys
  • Coupons
  • Scissors
  • Coins

3. Collect things that don’t belong in this drawer in different bags/baskets for transport.

Anything that really shouldn’t have a permanent home there, like Happy Meal Toys, can go to a basket to be relocated to a happy home in the playroom, the garage, or wherever you would like that group of items to find its final resting place.

4. Decide on which organizing system you’d like to use.

You can opt for premade drawer organizers or homemade solutions. Check out The Spruce’s recommendations for the 9 Best Drawer Organizers of 2021.

5. Deposit each grouping of items neatly in a specific compartment or container.

Then, and this is key, keep putting things in their proper places going forward.

kitchen drawer organizer for silverware
Our 7 Best Kitchen Drawer Organizer Ideas 4

Our 7 best kitchen drawer organizer ideas on a budget

We’d like to help you tame the junk drawer chaos with these 7 best kitchen drawer organizer ideas. These ideas will also work as utility drawer, bathroom drawer, or home office drawer organizers—keeping your life gloriously clutter-free.

1. Drawer liners

Line drawers with contact paper or a drawer liner that keeps the bottom of the drawer neat and clean.

2. Pre-made kitchen drawer organizers

Kitchen drawer organizing trays come in a variety of materials and styles. Choose from bamboo, wood, metal, or plastic. Measure your drawer and then find an option that suits your needs with the right measurements.

You can get organizing trays from Amazon for your silverware drawer, a deep drawer organizer for larger items in the kitchen or for dresser drawers, and your kitchen junk drawer.

Or, check out IKEA kitchen drawer organizers (and cabinet organizers) for some fresh ideas for kitchen drawer dividers or kitchen drawer inserts.

If you’d rather go the DIY kitchen drawer dividers route, that’s fine, too! Here are some great options to consider to tame your junk drawer…

3. Muffin pans

Use a clean, empty muffin pan in your junk drawer and designate a spot for each of your smaller items like paper clips, coins, screws, etc…

4. Ice cube trays

If you have very small groups of tiny items to organize, an ice cube tray may be the ticket.

5. Make-up trays

You may have an old make-up storage tray lying around. Clean it up and use it to keep clutter organized in your kitchen drawer, office drawer, or utility drawer.

6. Colored plastic bins/plastic baskets/boxes without lids/metal tins

Figure out what sizes you need for a particular drawer then set your chosen containers in the drawer in whatever configuration works best for you and find a new home for each grouping of items.

7. Ziplock bags

One more option? Group the like-items and put small things together in Zip-lock sandwich bags to keep them corralled. This is especially helpful for things that tend to get sticky or messy like hard candy, cough drops, crayons, or pencils.

Need some help installing new organizational equipment, cabinets, or shelves in the Columbia, SC area?

At Punch List Pros, we can help repair broken drawers/cabinets or install new ones. We can also install cabinet and drawer organization systems, replace cabinet doors, change out light fixtures, and more.

If you need help with getting your home ready to sell, home maintenance, home repairs, or your honey-do list, we’re here and ready to help. Check out all of the services we offer to make your life easier and your home a more enjoyable place to live.

If you’re feeling inspired to clean up more of your home spaces, contact Dumpster Mule for dumpster rentals to haul away your unwanted items!

Please contact us today!

We work in locations all around the greater Columbia, SC area. 


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